As every year during the last 8 years on 11th December the Bulgarian community will celebrate the argentine Day of Tango with a special event. This year this will be a big Tango Ball organized by Tanguerin with the support of the Embassy of Argentina in Bulgaria, which will take place at Interpred Trade Center in Sofia. The audiovisual setting during the evening will be specially selected and compiled so as to represent the
history of the danceable tango music. As usual, the musical format of
the evening will follow the tradition of the classic Buenos Aires
milonga with tandas (a group of 3-5 musical pieces performed by the same
orchestra) and cortinas (short musical intermissions between two
tandas). The only difference will be that this time the tandas will be
ordered chronologically, starting with the danceable tango from the
beginning of 20th century and ending with music by contemporary tango
ensembles. Each tanda will be accompanied with visuals presenting the
performing orchestra or other important personalities and moments from
the time of the performance. Elegant attire is compulsory for all guests and the organizers reserve the right to restrict access to the event for inappropriately dressed visitors. All dancers are kindly asked to bring special shoes for dancing as well
as to observe the codes and etiquette of the traditional Buenos Aires
milongas that include among other things, invitation by eye contact and
nodding (cabeceo), moving in circular lanes on the dance floor (ronda)
and changing the partner at the end of each tanda.

The Tango Ball will take place in Sofia hall of the Interpred Trade Center on 36 Dragan Tsankov Blvd with doors opening at 8 pm. During the evening the bar will offer argentine wines from Graffigna and those who want to party in style may do it with sparkling wine No1 in France, Café de Paris, with which the organizers pay tribute to the French capital as one of the most important historical centers for the popularization of the argentinean tango in Europe.
More information about the event can be found on the official page of the celebrations of the Day of Tango in Sofia