Together, as a dance couple, they have traveled throughout most of Europe, teaching, performing and taking part in tango festivals and events. In June 2007 they came to Sofia for a weekend of workshops and milongas organized by TanguerIN, enchanting everyone with their teaching and dancing and turning the event into a huge success.
Now Ismael Ludman and Maria Mondino are back in Sofia, brought again by TanguerIN Studio, with even more interesting ideas to help us catch-up with the latest developments in tango and to make our dance even more organic, more dynamic, more connected, more improvised, more colourful and more enjoyable!

1. A dance laboratory where we will synthesize the formula of tango enriched with some new substances of tango.
Key phrases: stretching the borders, contemporary tango elements, dynamics
We will be subject to a deep and fundamental training in tango elements and beyond. We'll go over most of the known and some new tango elements, getting to know more about our bodies, our tango possibilities and our willingness to play and connect.
2. A social dance focus.
Key phrases: musicality, improvisation, leading and following, fluidity, combinations.
We will explore the possibilities of making our dance grow into the limitations of a reduced space and an environment shared with (many) others. We will take an in-depth look at the close embrace and try to fill our dance with color and dynamic, in part by recognizing our dance as a social and a sharing phenomenon.
Schedule of events:
07.00 pm - 11.00 pm - PRACTICA with Ismael and Maria (incl. a guiding session and a demo by the maestros)
- doors opening - 6.30 pm
- guided practica session with input from Ismael an Maria (suitable for all levels) - from 7.00 pm to 8.15 pm
- free practica with show by Ismael and Maria from 8.15 pm
12.00 am - 01.30 pm - WORKSHOP 1: technique for all levels
01.30 pm - 03.15 pm - WORKSHOP 2: beginners / intermediates
03.30 pm - 05:00 pm - WORKSHOP 3: advanced / intermediates (min. 1.5 year experiance)
Class topics:
WORKSHOP 1 (all levels)
Class 1.1 Satruday 12.00-13.30 Exploring elasticity of the embrace. Flow.
Class 1.2 Sunday 12.00-13.30 Circular dynamics of the dance.
WORKSHOP 2 (beginners + intermediates)
Class 2.1 Satruday 13.45-15.15 Boleos in combinations.
Class 2.2 Sunday 13.45-15.15 Ganchos in combination with barridas.
WORKSHOP 3 (advanced + intermediates)
Class 3.1 Satruday 15.30-17.00 Movements out of axis. Volcadas in combinations.
Class 3.2 Sunday 15.30-17.00 Dynamics changes of directions in combinations with Sacadas and other elements.
Additional information:
The workshops and the practica will take place at the Ballroom of the Czechoslovak Club on 15 Krakra St. in Sofia.
We recommend registrations for whole workshops (2 classes x 90 min.) rather than for individual classes. Registrations for individual classes are possible only with a partner after 1st June depending on availability.
Partners for the workshops:
- Registration without a partner is possible only until 16th May. After that date single registrations are carried out at the discretion of the organizers depending on availability.
- It is possible that a group of 3 people register as a couple (for example, 1 leader and 2 followers), providing they agree to take turns within their group.
- Single registrations are unconditional and without possibility to select partners later. Everyone who registers without a partner agrees to participate with the partner who is allocated to him by the organizers and, if necessary, to take turns with another single participant. The organizers will make every effort to secure for each single participant the most suitable partner available.
(all prices are per person)
- 1 workshop (2 classes), 180 min. - 46 lv. / 23 Eur
Note: there is a special workshop price of 40 lv. (20 Eur) valid until 16th May only for registration from Bulgaria and with a partner
- Single class, 90 min. (registration from 1st June, with a partner only) - 26 lv. / 13 Eur
- Watching a class without dancing (limited to 5 places per class) - 14 lv. / 7 Eur
- Practica, advanced payment before the day of the event - 8 lv. / 4 Eur (valid only for Bulgaria)
- Practica, payment on the day of the event - 16 lv. / 8 Eur (after 8.30 pm - 8 lv. / 4 Eur)
Registrations are valid only upon receipt of payment Fees can be paid in cash during regular classes of TanguerIN or by bank transfer. For bank payment instructions please send an email to info @ tanguerin . com.
For visitors from abroad: only in case you are living outside of Bulgaria you can reserve a place for the workshops by sending an email to info @ tanguerin . com specifying the workshop(s), the names of the attending partners and the country you are coming from. Reservations for the practica are not possible, sorry.
Please, feel free to write to us at info @ tanguerin . com if you have any questions that are not answered on this page.
About Ismael and Maria:
If you have already seen Ismael and Maria somewhere around the world or three years ago in Sofia, you don't need to read further, as their presence and the things they do speak about them better than any biography, or listing of names and achievements. Nevertheless, we synthesized a few impressions and facts about them for those of you who haven't had the pleasure to attend one of their classes or a milonga where they dance.
Ismael Ludman y Maria Mondino are a fresh, dynamic and energetic couple, part of the newest generation of dancers and teachers who, during the last decade, have transformed the way argentine tango is perceived and danced, turning it into an up-to-date genre, popular among many young people around the world. With a generous and sensual receptivity to the evolving organic vocabulary of the dance, Ismael and Maria combine understanding of the mechanics of movement, awareness of the dynamics of connection and the qualities that allow for more freedom of possibility, artistry and improvisation. Their performances show pure simplicity as well as a complex and personal interpretation of the music, both in traditional and modern tango. As teachers they combine the precision of the technical and mechanical perspective of the movements with the abstract world of sensations and feelings.
Ismael Ludman is at the cutting edge of tango development promoting a style with a focus on communication, a relax way of dancing and expressiveness. He has worked extensively with Gustavo Naveira, and Chicho. He has taught together with Sebastian Arce and Mariana Montes, Melina Bruffman and Claduio Gonzales and others. He is also versed in Contact Improvisation, Euthonia, Butoh and Dance-Theatre.
Maria Mondino pursues quality and organic movement, as well as warmth, expressiveness and connection in the dance. She started her tango career with renowned milonguero Juan Durso, and has worked extensively with Gustavo Naveira, Maurico Castro & Carla Marano, "Chicho" Frumboli & Eugenia Parilla, and Pablo Inza. She is experienced in theatre, flamenco, contemporary dance and release technique, and has taught at Mora Godoy Studios, Tango Brujo Academy and Centro Cultural La Fragua. Her website is
They are currently on an annual artistic resdency in Berlin during which they have their next big European tour, which this time pays a decent attention to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Apart from their usual visits around Germany, Austria, Italy and the UK, their 2010 program features workshops and festival participation in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Romania. And, of course, we are thrilled and very happy that they accepted our invitation and managed to fit Sofia in their busy schedule for this summer!