members of Gustavo Russo's TANGO SEDUCCION
Sofia, 6 April, 2009
19:00 - 20:30 - class for beginners and intertmediates taught by ARIEL PEREZ & ESTHER GARABALI (Buenos Aires)
20:45 - 22:15 - class for intermediates and advanced taught by CRISTIAN CISNEROS & VIRGINIA PORRINO (Buenos Aires)
Price: 20 lv. (10 Eur) per person per class
Location: The Czech Club ballroom, 15 Krakra St., Sofia
More information about the teaching dancers:

Cristian and Virginia are world renowned tango dancers, famous for their classical style of tango. They have performed in many show such as "El Querandi", "Sabor a Tango", "Cafe Tortoni" etc. Cristian and Virginia have toured extensively in Argentina and the rest of the world, demonstrating their ability in famous theatres such as the "National Cervantes", "Astral" and "President Alvear". They have performed on TV programmed such as "Argentissima", "La Noche con Amigos" and "El Gran Debut". Between 2003 and 2007 they were part of the famous show "Forever Tango" and since 2000 they are part of the cast of TANGO SEDUCCION.

During their tango dancing career, Ariel and Esther have danced with first class artists around the world - in South America with Julio Iglesias, in the United States with Atilio Stampone's Orchestra. They have also been part of the cast of "Argentina Tango Review" presented in the United States and "Historias de Tango" and "Tango Venus" presented around Japan. They were also a part of the Mariano Mores Orchestra show. In Argentina they have danced in renowned shows like "La Ventana", "Cano 14", "Michelangelo" and "La Esquina de Carlos Gardel". In 2002 they joined the cast of TANGO SEDUCCION.