The long awaited comeback of the Tango Bar milonga by TanguerIN in Sofia will happen
on 3rd October 2007. The milonga has a new venue - the ballroom at the
Czech Club on 15 Krakra St. in Sofia. It will run in its usual day,
Wednesday, from 7.30 pm until 10.30 pm. The organizers from TanguerIN
Studio promise to keep alive the tradition of making special thematic
milongas and inviting interesting guest performers. The resident DJ Ivo
will continue to play the best of the legendary tango orchestras as well
as the latest from the contemporary tango music. The Tango Bar milonga has now its own blog (
http://tangobar.tanguerin.com) where you will be able to follow news and updates about the milongas. Join us on 3rd October to celebrate
the comeback of the Tango Bar after a year long break.